Building Blocks - PixSAL2021


I am super excited to bring you the frame work and roadmap for my first ever SAL!

The frame is, of course, the building "blocks" for the entire piece and is pretty straight forward. It is A LOT (17,411 stitches of the total 31,644) of stitches, but don't let that dismay you. I am personally stitching this piece too so I can provide some photos as we go, and I started doing the frame with the 310... just in case I hadn't filled in color when it comes time to stitch the actual scene for the month 😅. I really hope you all enjoy. I spent several months working on this, and even though its "just sprites" it did take a bit of time and energy and thought process. The BW version does upload pretty well to Pattern Keeper also, just have to input the thread colors (some will show duplicate because of the "page overlap" but I just input those as "blank" or "nothing" and they sort to the bottom of the color list)

PixSAL2021 Frame Black and White

PixSAL 2021 Frame Pattern Keeper Friendly


  1. What count and size do you recommend? It looks like the piece will be 247x271 -- is that right? The biggest piece of fabric I could find locally was 15in x 18in @ 16-count. I think the sheer scale of this project is prohibiting my participation. :(

    1. you could order bigger online - even from Joanns. 123 stitch is another place as ell

  2. That is the correct size. Many people have been able to find fabrics of sufficient size on places like and other such sites. I too live in a place where I can rarely find fabrics of any size greater than about 12inches.

  3. Has anyone done a master skein chart/list? As in, how many of each skein we need to complete the SAL. Stitches per colour means little to beginners like me. If you've done one that includes the Power-Up pallets, I'd appreciate that too!

  4. I'll say the black and white regular version worked perfectly with pattern keeper and even included the threads! Just had to note the overlap but it went very smoothly ❤️


Chapter 1 "What kind of hero will you be?"

 We all know who we want to be, but who are we really? Roll the dice and see! Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - Party Names