... Like no one every was!

Wanna be the very best? Catch them all? Well for the first our years of the franchise you could only be a white young man. In 2000 the company finally gave the option for young woman and girls to see themselves as a monster catching master! A few more years before they could see themselves with a different skin color... but that's another issue for another SAL. This month we celebrate all the young woman in the world who want to travel far and wide and catch them all!

Primm and proper

Primm is a fine example of a strong female character. Although she isn't the main/lead character in the group, she joins the party to rebel against an arranged marriage and to find and rescue her actual love... quite a role reversal for that time in video game story telling! Let's hear it for women being real heroes!

Chapter 1 "What kind of hero will you be?"

 We all know who we want to be, but who are we really? Roll the dice and see! Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - Party Names