The Triumph of Terra

Terra Branford, a powerful and iconic leading lady in the Final Fantasy series. Up until the 6th instalment of the series, the lead characters had all, of course, been male. FF6 made strides to include one of the most diverse cast of characters thus far in its history and even gave us Terra as a co-lead, with the story line mainly focused on her and her experiences and challenges. Even though she had the "damsel in distress" troupe laid upon her for most of the game, she rose to be one of the most powerful characters! So for my birthday month, I give you one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite games in one of my favorite gaming franchises, Terra Branford!

Chapter 1 "What kind of hero will you be?"

 We all know who we want to be, but who are we really? Roll the dice and see! Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - Party Names