Bananas for Dixie

 DK has been a part of video game history since almost the very beginning. Kidnapping damsels in distress, climbing up towers, and throwing object at the hero trying to save the poor poor poor woman... we've heard it a million times! DK took a different direction in the SNES era and played simply on DK going out to save his own stash of bananas, they even introduced a female "Kong," only she was the typical, tall, blonde, sexy, love interest, of Mr. DK himself and of course, NON PLAYABLE. DKC2, however, introduced Dixie, as a playable counterpart to Diddy, to help save the main monkey, Donkey, and eventually in DKC3 was the main character, turning the tables as the female protagonist to save not one, but two males. Go get 'em girl!

Chapter 1 "What kind of hero will you be?"

 We all know who we want to be, but who are we really? Roll the dice and see! Chapter 1 Chapter 1 - Party Names